Course 5. Sentinel temperature monitor and Sentry location tracker Upload

1. Introduction

The purpose of this introductory lesson is to give you a brief overview of the hardware characteristics.

The Sentinel temperature monitor with Sentry600 In-transit location trackers for Diamond Shipments

Sentinel temperature monitor features:
  • Re-usable temperature monitor
  • Bluetooth connection to Sentry gateways and Sentry location trackers
  • Wireless launch and upload to TSS cloud

    Diamond shipment
    Sentinel temperature monitor
Sentry600 location In-transit tracker features
  • Re-usable real-time GPS monitor to be used as In-transit location tracker
  • Transfer temperature data to TSS Cloud over the mobile network

Sentry600 In-transit 

Sentry600 gateway features
  • Re-usable real-time GPS monitor to be used as a gateway
  • Transfer temperature data to TSS Cloud over the mobile network

Sentry600 gateway 

Sentry500 gateway features
  • Re-usable real-time GPS monitor
  • Transfer Sentinel temperature data to TSS Cloud over the mobile network
Sentry500 Gateway
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